Today's funds 1859 U, September 5, 2024

Yesterday, I thought everything was over and I couldn't write any more diaries. A good friend gave me 0.03BTC after knowing my situation. He will take 70% of the profit and I will take 30% of the loss. It's true that there is always a way out when you reach the mountain. Many people can see my talent. What makes me happy is that I finally have the strength to fight. This is too important. When your funds are small, you will be scared and timid when you drop a little. You can't arrange your troops as you want. The principal is too important. Now these principals are more precious to me than the money I get from selling blood. I will cherish them.

Actually, I didn't want to write a diary, but I have to write a diary after recharging funds, otherwise I will really fall into the tongue of haters. The messages from my classmates yesterday were really ugly. If I wasn't emotionally stable, ordinary people would be mad at your messages. It's really killing people. We are of the same root, why are we so anxious to fight each other? I have never really hated anyone in the currency circle. If you think about it carefully, it's actually not easy for anyone to speculate in currency. Everyone wants to work hard to make life better. I now have 13,000 followers, and there are only 100 people who leave messages. There are not many people who really hate me. Most of the people who follow me are kind to me. This is the motivation for me to keep writing a diary.

I have money. Yesterday I withdrew 245U to buy Faraday Future in the US stock market. The cost is 6U per share. I plan to withdraw another 200U this afternoon. The battery of the electric car is not working and I want to replace the battery. It will cost a lot of money? I was hungry all day yesterday and only had one meal. The property water and electricity bills have to be paid again, otherwise there will be no water and electricity. I can't imagine how I will spend today if no good friend sees my talent and gives me this 0.03BTC.

Wait and see, what I am most interested in is to earn a lot of U, let those haters and trolls see my true strength. Generally, they are emotionally unstable, and I want to piss them off.