Poverty breeds evil, and wealth breeds conscience.

This sentence is both right and wrong.

I once saw a documentary that interviewed the city express couriers.

The couriers said that customers in wealthy areas (richer neighborhoods) are generally more friendly, not impatient, and rarely complain about overtime. At the same time, they treat them well, often smiling, asking them to go slower, expressing gratitude, and giving them a bottle of water/drink.

Ordinary customers don't have this feeling.

Does this count as the conscience of the rich?

I once saw a car accident in a neighborhood. It was probably a new Harvard car (or a temporary license plate) collided with an electric tricycle. Then the Harvard driver kept cursing, saying that I just bought this car, and it depreciated because I had to repair it, and so on. He kept cursing the tricycle driver, and the tricycle driver could only listen because he was fully responsible.

If it were me, I would not curse, because it doesn’t matter, just deal with it as it should be, cursing is meaningless, and I don’t care about the car’s repair and depreciation.

Is this considered a conscience when the rich grow up?

In fact, this is not conscience, but this little interest, the rich don’t care. After people have money, they will face the trivialities of daily life more calmly.

If you really encounter the core interests of the rich, they can fight with you. How can you climb up without being cruel?

Look at those rich people in Hong Kong. After they die, their children also fight for their property in various ways?

It’s the same as the rural children fighting for land and houses after they grow up and separate from the family. The only difference is the amount.


Generally, dealing with people does not involve core interests. It is much more comfortable to get along with rich people than poor people.

For example, no one cares who pays hundreds or thousands of dollars for a meal.

The rich do not care about that little bit of effort. At the same time, the rich know how to deal with people, understand the logic of social operation, and exchange resources and values ​​with people. At the same time, they are more willing to give back to others.

Let alone social interaction, even if it is a family, a family without money, life is really suffocating.

Without material things, details will be infinitely magnified. With material things, details will fade. Only when a family is not short of money can they sit down and talk about feelings calmly.

Not just family, but any relationship is like this