There is a boss in our local area who cashed out a few years ago, cashed out a small amount of 100 million, sold the company and factory, and lived in the United States, Australia, and Canada for a year or so. He finally returned to China because he felt bored abroad and no one was there to play with him. He didn't want to do business anymore and felt that his hometown was better.

What is he doing now? He set up a chamber of commerce and became the president. There are almost no conditions for joining. You just need to register a name, and the review is not strict. I just checked and there are dozens of groups, probably with thousands of people. Then he set up a club, which is actually equivalent to a slightly better canteen, with about a dozen buffets. On weekdays, every Tuesday and Wednesday, he organizes everyone to eat and drink tea. Anyone who joins the chamber of commerce can come. In fact, joining the chamber of commerce does not cost money. Everyone can come to eat and drink for free. Sometimes a symbolic fee of a few dollars is charged, but most of those who can go on weekdays are self-employed. The meeting is for everyone to talk about business and introduce projects. Then he organizes activities regularly, such as visiting neighboring provinces, cities, and companies. It is also free to participate, with food and accommodation, and renting a few buses. The local government saw that hundreds of bosses came to investigate and invest in us at once, which was almost catching up with the annual workload of the local investment promotion bureau. Generally, at least the deputy county magistrate accompanied the visit. He is the president and walks in the front. Those who don’t know think that the superior leader has come. How impressive!

After a few years of operation, I calculated at the end of the year that the Chamber of Commerce did not lose money, but even made a small profit.