1. Selection

Many traders think that trading success depends on superb skills and sufficient funds. But Feilong doesn't think so. To make money in trading, you have to go to places where there is a lot of money. What tools to use are all later. If you have skills but don't use them in places where there is money, you will definitely fail in the end.

2. Small losses and big profits

No matter how good a strategy is, there will be a time when it comes to stop losses. It is difficult for normal people to remain calm when they stop losses, especially when they stop losses continuously.

3. Cognition

Many traders are always pursuing perfection in the market, especially some technical analysts, who always want to sell at the highest price and buy at the lowest price. They also want to catch every rebound and avoid every adjustment when the price is weak.

4. Knowing does not necessarily mean doing

There is no secret in trading. There are only a few ways to make a successful trade. Things like profit-loss ratio is the most important, stop loss, follow the trend, risk priority... are not new.

5. What is an expert?

Trading experts will never be obsessed with any technique, nor will they be superstitious about any policy, theory, technology or news. What they pursue is the accurate grasp of the human nature of the market group and the thorough understanding of their own mind. Only by getting rid of the shackles can you be free and at ease.

6. Simplicity

I have said before that if you cannot figure out what to do within a few minutes of opening any price chart, then I am sure your system is not working well. The purpose of the system is to let you quickly understand what you can and cannot do; where to do it and where to stop loss; whether to go long or short.

7. System

The key elements of the system: determine the trend, enter the trend with the help of retracements, increase positions through repetition, and leave the trend based on signals. This is the daily operation of continuous profitability, not some martial arts secrets.

8. Realm

The so-called realm is nothing more than having suffered a lot, gaining a lot of knowledge, and finally knowing who you are. You have to know what you can do, then set a standard of conduct that is in line with the task, and finally execute it according to the standard. This is perhaps what most people think of as a high realm.

9. Look at the big picture and ignore the small details

Thinking about how to make a lot of money is much easier to succeed than thinking about how to make a small amount of money every day or week. This is why I always ask everyone to do the two ends (Qian District and Kun District) instead of the middle. Space is always an important factor in trading thinking.

10. Leave it to you to think about it

Talking without practice is just a lie. No matter how many times someone says it, it is better to do it once. #BTC