Brothers, it's time to get the airdrop again! Come on, come on!

Web3 wallet starrynift airdrop nanny-level tutorial!

It's very simple to complete. Just follow two Twitter accounts, log in to Twitter and check, and then you can mint nft, which requires about 0.2U gas. Then you can do the task every day, just click to vote for the Binance robot. The last one is still nft. July 12-July 26, a total of 14 days. Basically, it's zero-cost

You can fill in my invitation code to give more points and increase the weight. Fill in the invitation code: MbWn19dddR

I won't say much, just look at the picture! If you don't understand, just ask me

If the first picture is displayed, just update Binance, and you don't need VPN. If you click update and there is no response, just scan the download code on the PC! #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #美联储何时降息? #BTC下跌分析 #币安合约锦标赛