Last night, when Bitcoin was 59,000+ and Ethereum was 3,200, I told everyone in the Thirteen Circle that they could reduce their positions, free up cash, and reduce the risk of their accounts.

It may be because many people think that the market will continue to rise due to the positive stimulus of CPI. Unfortunately, Thirteen's words came true. After the market rose, it quickly returned to the original path.

Many friends were embarrassed. I received a lot of messages today, all asking me, I didn't leave in time yesterday, what should I do now?

The problem was given to Thirteen, and Thirteen was also very distressed. What can I do?

It's nothing more than depending on the individual's risk tolerance and capital occupation. Of course, those with heavy positions must stop loss. In other cases, you can choose to reduce leverage at a lower position and turn short-term into long-term...

Everyone gives different suggestions, but the losses are the same.

No one can explain the short-term market clearly. Thirteen has told everyone countless times in the article that long-term positions ignore the rise and fall, and short-term positions must be very resolute to stop profit at high positions after bottoming out at low positions, and don't drag your feet.

Don't worry that you won't get any meat if the market takes off later. Right-side trading is also a very wise investment strategy.

In the final analysis, it is the greed of human nature that is at work.

Always wanting to get more, but losing more, especially in the current uncertain market.

Every time you lose money in the cryptocurrency circle, it is a valuable experience. Money cannot be lost in vain. You must learn from experience and lessons, so that you can grow in the cryptocurrency circle. Some people have been in the cryptocurrency circle for many years and have been losing money, always blaming the dealer for cutting leeks.

Little do they know that the real reason for losing money is that they have never learned lessons from the experience of losing money.