At present, the market may have a second bottoming out, which is the last chance to get on board. It is expected that the main upward wave will come from August to October, and the interest rate cut may be between September and October. At this time, the market may reach a high point, estimated to be between 86,000 and 96,000. Whether it can reach 100,000 is not important, the key is whether it can escape the top in time.

The high point is expected to appear at the end of this year or the beginning of next year. After each interest rate cut, the US stock market usually pulls back by more than 20%, which is not alarmist.

High point prediction: There may be a high point at the end of October or the beginning of November. Many people will be stuck at this position, and the mood will be very fomo. They mistakenly think that this bull market will last until April or May next year, but in fact they are very wrong.

Bull market characteristics: This bull market will not be like the last time when all the coins rose. Those who expect to reproduce the last bull market are mostly those who entered the market in the last bull market.

The interest rate cut indicates that the biggest market narrative has landed, and there is a lack of new narrative points in the future. In addition, the US stock market has performed strongly this year, but it may collapse and pull back after the interest rate cut. Every big drop in the market is an opportunity to build a position, and this position can be held until the end of the year. In terms of currency selection, it is recommended to choose currencies with high capital consensus and strong market makers.

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