There is no mountain that cannot be climbed, only people who cannot find the way. There is always a rough road and a haze. Don't be indignant about the past misses, and don't sigh for the scenery that has gone away.

From the current trend structure, the market on Thursday was suppressed at the 58380 line in the morning, and then strongly pulled back to test the low 57303 line. Then it gave a second rush and continued to rise. In the evening, it welcomed the positive CPI upward touch 59780 line and was suppressed to turn back. The big cake took more than 5500 points of space during the day, and the concubine took more than 300 points of space. Wei Yi also controlled the change as expected in the two bullish changes during the day, and there was no bamboo shoots during the day. If your position has been shrinking and trapped, you can stand on the same front with Wei Yi.

In terms of trend, the market has been rising continuously, and there are many positive attacks. When you see the rise, the first thing you think of must be the appearance of a callback, not a reversal. The callback must be a continuous reverse operation. The combination of strength and continuity will change the trend. The space and amplitude of the callback are also poppy compared with the previous period. It will only temporarily delay the rising process and will not change the final trend. So it can continue to rise in the evening.

Big cake idea: long around 57000, target 59000

Auntie's idea: short around 3090, target 3200$BTC $ETH #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期