This round of bull market came too early. If you get up too fast, you may feel dizzy and fall down accidentally. According to the calculation of previous cycles, the bull market should have started at the end of 2024, the beginning of 2025, or even in the middle and late 2025. But this time, it actually broke through the previous high of 69,000 US dollars in 2021 in early 2024. If we follow one of the bull market definition methods used in the industry, that is, "breaking the previous high", we can think that this round of bull market has officially started on March 11, 2024.

As we all know, this bull market started early thanks to two things: first, there was a double-headed bull in 2021, which led to a significant reduction in the "previous high"; second, the US BTC spot ETF was approved, resulting in a large influx of funds, accelerating the upward trend of BTC. This bull market was brought forward by a whole year.

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