First, a new girl you meet is definitely easier to pursue than a girl who has rejected you.

Second, when a woman likes you, it’s not because she likes you as a person, but because she likes your lifestyle and wants to have a piece of it.

Third, girls like to be arranged and hope you can tell them clearly what to do.

Fourth, the one who invests the most in a relationship will definitely not get the initiative. The one who invests and pays the most will often become a bootlicker, so don't be self-satisfied.

Fifth, men who regard a relationship or a person as their life goal are the most useless. Such men often have neither confidence nor charm.

Sixth, the paradox of love: Men who have a fulfilling life and do not need women are the most popular, while men who have a boring life and need women the most cannot get women.

Seventh, stay away from any woman who has cheated on you, not even once. Don't give her a second chance to harm you.

Eighth, she doesn't belong to you. She just happens to be with you. So don't be too obsessed with the relationship.

Ninth, don’t deliberately show your past before the relationship is confirmed.

Tenth, giving up your future for love will usually result in losing both your life and your wealth.

Eleventh, you attract what you show. If you want to find true love, you must make your own love framework.

Twelfth, a woman’s feeling for a rich man is not about being attracted to him: it is about compromise, and this kind of compromise will be beaten to pieces by the attraction.

Thirteenth, never actively show your shortcomings in front of a woman. This will not win you sympathy or love.

Fourteenth, if you treat your goddess as a girl, she will keep a distance from you. Only if you treat her as a human being will she fall in love with you.

Fifteenth, don’t try to impress women or try to please them. The rules of love are also the laws of the jungle, and admiration for the strong is the underlying principle.

Sixteenth, if you can never complain, you will continue to meet better women.

17. Whether it is chatting or dating, it is important to end it in time. People who say goodbye early are more likely to control the overall situation.

Eighteenth, making wise decisions, chatting emotionally, and being androgynous are the highest levels for men.

Nineteenth, whoever's emotions are affected by the other person will be attracted to the other person. The less you care about the other person, the more the other person will be attracted to you. Goddesses are also human beings, with only one head and one body, and they will behave the same way after being affected by emotions.

20. Men’s advantage is rational thinking. If they become like women, they will be anxious about gains and losses and lose their greatest physiological advantage. #BTC #TON #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币