What do you think of people who enter the cryptocurrency world with 3,500 yuan?

3,500 yuan is too much.

There are two most direct ways to get rich in the cryptocurrency world with a small amount of money.

1. Airdrops. Airdrops themselves do not cost money, but you need to pay for gas on the chain. As long as it is not on the eth chain, the handling fee of other chains is not bad. If you do it desperately, the cost can basically be controlled within 500 yuan.

This rule is only applicable to bull markets. In bear markets, you will lose money if you do this.

2. Do contracts.

There are three situations:

(1) If you have good skills, it is recommended to start with 1,000 yuan, set stop-profit and stop-loss, do more short-term trading, and withdraw your capital when you make money.

(2) If you have average skills, then expand the time range. If you don’t know the relationship between leverage multiples and position layers, use the contract calculator to calculate in advance.

Under the premise of not blowing up the position, keep making more coins with the coin-based contract and wait for the next bull market to break out.

(2) If you don’t have the skills, then you are just gambling. It is recommended to put 200 to 300 yuan and use a large leverage. If you lose, just treat it as buying lottery tickets and you won’t feel bad.

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