I was very optimistic about Pepecoin in the previous cryptocurrency market crash, and I repeatedly pointed out the opportunities for swing trading in the community. I also analyzed it frequently and observed that it often had a pullback of about 50% after each sharp rise. According to historical data, it pulled back by 68% and 50% respectively last year, and in the adjustment in April this year, the pullback reached 63%. At present, Pepecoin's pullback is close to 60%, which is very consistent with the previous trend pattern.

Therefore, even if it may not be the absolute bottom at present, it is very close. According to previous patterns, Pepecoin may consolidate in the bottom area for a period of time, lasting for a few weeks, and then may usher in a new round of rising market. This rise is often very strong, with each increase of 3 to 5 times.

Based on this experience and market observation, now may be a good time to consider buying Pepecoin on dips.