About ORDI

In recent months, this inscription Audi has been very controversial.

Audi's reality:

When other coins are rising, ORDI's performance is mediocre.

When ORDI rises, the market often experiences a 95% correction, and ORDI will fall accordingly.

In addition, every rise of ORDI is driven by RATS, SATS or PIZZA, and it has never actively risen.

Current situation:

ORDI's locked-in disk is very large. Some newcomers I know have been locked from $80 to $60, then to $40, and now it is $30, but they are still reluctant to cut their losses. You know, when the price fell to $3 last year, many people reluctantly cut their losses, and many mint people couldn't support it and ran away.

In summary, holding ORDI depends on whether you can afford it. Spend a year and a half to see if you can hold on. I believe that ordinarys will explode again. Whether it is ORDI, DOG, SATS or PIZZA, if any coin can be pulled up to billions or even tens of billions of market value, it will bring benefits to the entire ecosystem. Therefore, there is no need to step on one and praise the other.

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, please check the introduction and find me. You can get the position allocation strategy and teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market.

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