The current market is showing an interesting rotation phenomenon. After some tokens experienced a wave of rise, market makers seemed to pause and add fuel to the fire, and funds turned to those relatively sluggish currencies. This has led to internal divisions in the market, with some coins continuing to climb higher while others experiencing a slight correction.

If you happen to hold tokens that have not yet been launched but have high-quality potential and prospects, there is no need to be too anxious. As long as the overall market trend stabilizes, the rise of this type of token is only a matter of time.

As the market leader, any significant rebound movement of Bitcoin will often pull Ethereum to follow closely behind, forming a linkage effect. Subsequently, this positive momentum may further spread to mainstream tokens such as BNB and SOL, activating their upside potential. Immediately afterwards, tokens in the Ethereum ecosystem and MEME coins under the SOL ecosystem are also expected to be boosted. As this rising trend spreads, small market capitalization tokens and less popular currencies will gradually receive the attention and favor of the market, completing the rotation and recovery process of the entire market. Therefore, hold patiently and wait for the market direction to change.

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