fmpm1 The peak moments of altcoins often do not reach the top at the same time as Bitcoin, especially in hot areas that have experienced hype, such as UNI, DOGE, etc. Many L2 projects and modular products in the current Bitcoin ecosystem have also encountered similar hype.

2. If you miss the high point of altcoins and fail to sell them in time, the subsequent exit timing is often not good, facing at least 20% callback risk, and many people may just recover their capital or suffer a slight loss.

3. The price peak of most non-mainstream coins occurred in May 2021, not the peak of Bitcoin in November. During this period, Bitcoin has shown signs of fatigue or even fallen, but altcoins have reveled in advance.

4. The altcoins that eventually peaked with Bitcoin may be those sectors that have been at a low level for a long time and have never exploded, such as chain games and NFTs in the previous cycle.

Operation Guide:

1. Don't expect altcoins to create glory again because Bitcoin has not reached its peak. The trends of the two are different.

2. Be open to the peak of altcoins. It is a blessing to be able to get out of the trap or make a small loss. Don't be too obsessed.

3. Abandon fantasy and lock in the profit of altcoins in time. Long-term holding is tantamount to treasure hunting in a vast garbage dump. The risk is extremely high. Most of them will eventually return to zero and suffer heavy losses.

4. It is difficult for hot sectors to reproduce their former glory after the explosion, and the rebound strength is also greatly reduced.

5. Long-dormant sectors and new coins still have the potential for explosion, but they need to be grasped with caution.

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