Now looking back at the Silu I reminded you about during the day, are there any friends who are upset because they don't have a root? For friends who don't have a root, I want to say it doesn't matter, opportunities are always there, and this kind of opportunity is still quite easy for me to discover and grasp. As long as you continue to pay attention or follow my rhythm, I believe that turning the tide is easy. The intraday price ratio continued to rise, reaching a maximum of around 58,100 in the evening, and our overall intraday trading was also around the support of 57,000 to build multiple Dan oranges. Whether it was from morning to noon or from afternoon to evening, our multiple Dan oranges were all taken one by one. At present, the overall trend of the big cake has tended to be normal, and the overall price fluctuated around 57,500 and the fluctuations were small. During the day, we bought 3 multiple Dans and 1 empty Dan of the orange cake, and won more than 2,600 points in total. Auntie kept in sync, and won more than 190 points of space in total.

At present, from the overall structure of the market, the 4-hour line shows that as the low point below continues to rise, the high point is naturally constantly refreshing and the current retracement strength is also quite weak, so we still treat this retracement as a correction. From the perspective of the small cycle trend structure, after the continuous upward movement, it has returned to a shock, and the space given by both long and short positions is relatively small. This rhythm is also familiar to us. It is nothing more than a common correction method in the market. We can also understand that the price ratio is undergoing a new round of bottoming out, and after the bottoming out is completed, it will still usher in a new round of highs. However, here I would like to remind everyone to look at the strength of the callback before following more.

Big cake is around 57400-57000 more, the target is 58500

Auntie is around 3050-3040 more, the target is 3160#BTC☀ #BTC下跌分析 #BTC☀️