In the past 24 hours, the actual purchase performance of BTC spot ETFs has exceeded many people's expectations. On the one hand, the German government is selling, on the other hand, Asian investors are panic selling, but American investors are actively buying. This competition of multiple forces shows the importance of the US market, especially the main trading time after 3 am.

According to the data, in the last trading day, 11 BTC spot ETF institutions in the United States bought a total of 4,326 BTC, which is the highest net purchase volume in the past month.

Among them, BlackRock increased its holdings by 3,324 BTC and Fidelity increased its holdings by 1,093 BTC. Although there are data showing that GBTC also has a net inflow, official data show that Grayscale's GBTC has outflowed 540 BTC in the last trading day, which is not a large number.

This shows that the BTC price of around US$56,000 is still very attractive to spot ETF buyers, so there has been basically a positive net inflow in the past week.

At present, the main selling pressure in the market comes from the emotional fluctuations of Asian investors. In addition to the United States, Hong Kong and Canada also showed positive inflows, and only Germany's ETF had a net outflow of 3 BTC.

The current market buying sentiment is still good, and the next focus will be Powell's speech and CPI data, especially CPI data is more important.

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