Throw away fantasy and embrace reality!

In the current market, spot is not suitable for long-term holding. From April to July, the few spot you held for a long time rarely doubled. This round of bull market must change the strategy. After all, value coins are not as good as meme coins now. Long-term holding of value coins will only make you stuck at a high point.

Changing investment strategy is the most appropriate choice now.

Now is suitable for short-term investment. Buy a token and run away after holding 10%-20% of the profit. Next, there may be continuous pins, directly falling below your purchase price, and always below your cost position, making you want to escape but afraid that it will continue to rise.

Your pattern and preference will only make you lose more miserably. Wait for a coin to rise and then sell it. Don't be a so-called long-term coin holder. Replace the extra U with big cakes and buy a little bit. Continuing this operation will significantly increase your principal!

Now the cottage looks very potential, so you have to repeat buying at a low position several times to have a chance to double. So pick a coin, wait for it to fall to the ideal position, buy it, sell it at a profit of 20%, and then continue to wait for the next opportunity. Repeat it several times and you will find that your account has surpassed most people!

To ​​learn about specific opportunities and specific decisions, check the homepage!

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