Starting tomorrow, WLD will begin to be unlocked in large quantities

Worldcoin (WLD) tokens will enter the unlocking cycle starting tomorrow (7/24). Investors and the team will unlock a total of 2.38 billion WLD (US$5.545 billion) linearly over the next four years (approximately 1.63 million per day).

Worldcoin is currently preparing for the unlocking starting tomorrow: 990 million WLD were transferred to the transaction address 4 hours ago, and then 494 million WLD were distributed to 222 addresses.

I have been explaining to everyone before that it is better not to touch WLD, and not to be greedy. After all, 3.1 is estimated to have trapped many people. I reminded everyone to enter the market cautiously before, and there will be a sharp drop tomorrow.

#WLD解锁 #世界币