Today is July 9, 2024, and there are 179 days until January 1, 2025. Don't touch the contract, invest in spot value, this Binance account has 700,000 principal, and challenge the total return to 8 figures this year.

The trend is still the same trend. From last year to this year, I have been reminding that we are in a bull market.

I wonder if you have found a problem?

At the beginning of last year, Bitcoin rose from 16,000 to 25,000, and then many people couldn't help but chase it. After chasing it, Bitcoin fell from 25,000 to 20,000. As a result, the market was shouting that the bear market was over and there would be a big drop.

Later, it rose from 20,000 to 31,000, breaking the new high, but retail investors chased it again, and then it fell to 25,000 again, and everyone shouted that the bull market was over.

As a result, it rose all the way from 25,000 to 70,000.

Now Bitcoin has fallen from 70,000 to a minimum of 53,000, and some people are starting to say that the bear market is coming and there will be a big drop.

Have you noticed that every time the market pulls back, it is accompanied by the panic of the bear market, but the price is getting higher and higher, the highs are getting higher and higher, and the lows are getting higher and higher.

So, is this a bear market?

Just like the market pullback in the past two days, the main force cooperated with the news to fall and create panic. What is the purpose?

Isn’t the purpose to make everyone believe that the news is true and make retail investors think that there will be a big drop next.

Germany sells big cakes? Mentougou pays? In my opinion, this is just a conspiracy of the main force.

The news came out, and the main force fell in line with the trend to create panic and make retail investors believe this.

Retail investors are now worried every day that Germany will continue to sell, thinking that the amount sold will definitely fall sharply, and worried that Mentougou will crash the market after paying compensation.

I just want to say that the things you see are just what the main force wants you to see.

The main force makes you mistakenly believe that Germany is really going to sell Bitcoin, and makes you mistakenly believe that Mentougou’s compensation will trigger a sharp drop.

And every rebound makes you worry that it will continue to fall, making you afraid to enter the market easily, and making those who are used to contract leverage rebound short.

When the main force achieves its goal, then on a dark and windy night, it will suddenly catch those who believe in the main force off guard.

So, wait for the flowers to bloom, and I am looking forward to the next market more and more.

#BTC下跌分析 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划