As for the current market, if you want to multiply your 100,000 yuan principal tenfold, don't buy Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Although buying Bitcoin and Ethereum can still get two or three times the return, it is still a bit far from the goal of 1 million yuan.

Of course, if you want to be stable and only want to make 500,000 yuan, just buy Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Two rounds of bull market, the time is about 5-6 years, buy at a low price and sell at a high price, you can make 500,000 yuan.

But if you want to make 1 million yuan, you need to buy a copycat.

In a bull market, it is easy for a copycat to increase 10 times,

but no one can buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest point, so they can only get 7 or 8 times the increase.

Therefore, two rounds of bull market are enough to make 1 million yuan.

The second way is to take advantage of airdrops.

In short, airdrops are to interact with some Web3 applications that have not yet issued coins.

When the application issues coins, some coins will be issued to users for free.

In fact, the best time to swipe airdrops is in the middle and late stages of a bear market,

because swipe airdrops require a lot of on-chain coin transfers, coin deposits, etc.,

in the middle and late stages of a bear market, the gas fee is low, and the handling fee is low.

Lower handling fees allow you to swipe more airdrop accounts,

so when the application issues coins in a bull market, the price of the coin is high, and you receive more airdropped coins, so you will make a lot of money!

Of course, it’s not too late to swipe airdrops now, because the bull market will last for two years,

as long as the coins you swipe are issued in a bull market, you can make a lot of money!

There is also one last way...

that’s me!!!

If you are a complete novice, and you are excited to rush into the coin circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the coin circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

One million is really not much...

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