Changkong's experience sharing of more than ten years of cryptocurrency trading

After more than ten years of cryptocurrency trading, I have come up with a well-known but difficult to practice experience:

Chasing high will make you poor for three generations, while buying low will make you rich for a lifetime.

The one who knows how to buy is the apprentice, and the one who knows how to sell is the master.

This is not just a familiar slogan, because there are not many people who can really do it.

Many friends saw that a certain target rose very well in the early stage of cryptocurrency trading, and they impulsively entered the market without thinking, and the result was often a miserable failure.

Investment is a game, and buying low can give you more advantages in cost and a higher chance of winning. Opportunities appear in the decline. We don't need to rush into the market, but we must patiently wait for the perfect time for the callback to welcome the arrival of the main rising wave. #BTC下跌分析 #TON #币安7周年 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #ASI代币合并计划

If you want to know about specific opportunities and specific decisions, please follow Changkong. Click on the avatar to view the text. You can get the position allocation strategy and learn how to make money in a bull market and earn coins in a bear market.