100,000 becomes 1 million, just a little bit of water

1. Play high-multiple contracts, just like a gambler (but this is a life-or-death situation, with a probability similar to winning the lottery, so we don’t recommend it).

2. Ambush those potential currencies in advance, which must meet three conditions: they must be on the right track, they must be early, and they must be heavily invested.

So how to choose potential currencies?

1. First select those potential tracks, such as BTC ecology, RWA, MEME, AI, decentralized public chains, GameFi, etc. These tracks will have many stories to tell in the future, and they can even be implemented and change traditional industries.

2. Choose those new coins that have been launched in the last 1 to 2 years (including those launched on decentralized exchanges), and don’t chase the rise and fall of those old currencies. The old currencies are burdened with heavy burdens and many people are trapped. We have to choose new ones.

3. Pay attention to small currencies with low market capitalization (less than 300 million US dollars), preferably fully circulated (or more than 60% unlocked), and with good fundamentals, so that it has more room for growth in the future.

4. The team background must be strong, and there must be investment from star institutions or centralized exchanges. Investment from star institutions and centralized exchanges means that there is a greater possibility of listing on those first-tier exchanges in the future, and there are more industry resources, so the probability of success is also greater.

5. Select about 4 to 5 related currencies, and don't bet all your money on one. Not everyone has a 10x probability, so you have to invest in a few more appropriately, but not too many. Two or three tracks and 3 to 4 projects are the most appropriate. As long as one project explodes, that's enough.

#BTC下跌分析 #TON #币安7周年 #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币

In the next period of time, I will select several potential currencies that meet the above conditions. Welcome everyone to follow the homepage and pin it to the top. The profit code will be announced every day.