An old leek who has been fighting in the industry's independent trading system for eight years, focusing on primary and secondary fresh goods, Heyue, and capturing web3 opportunities!

Market outlook on July 8

Derivatives traders' Federal Reserve interest rate decisions released earlier this year showed lower-than-expected interest rates, with the market expecting higher interest rates, lower interest rates, and lower interest rates. Although the June nonfarm payrolls report showed a stronger-than-expected employment rate, researchers found that employment rose, employment rose, employment rose, and inflation was expected to strengthen further. Jeff Klingelhofer believes that recent comments by Federal Reserve Chairman Jeff Klingelhofer indicate that he is inclined to a moderate relief cycle. The labor market is stabilizing, lending faces downside risks, and the economy may face a recession, which provides strong support for further increases by the Federal Reserve. Market participants constantly pay attention to the Fed's policy consultations to better understand the Fed's.

Just like the same tool plays different roles in different people's hands. To give a simple example, although you and your husband may know almost the same Chinese characters, you can write articles as important as Lu Xun. Excellent literary works require not only the author's profound insights, unique insights and keen insight, but also the mastery of rich rhetoric skills and rich knowledge. Technical analysis and professional knowledge require not only the author's profound insights, unique insights and keen insight, but also the author's keen insight and keen insight. Therefore, many people are able to make profits through these technical analyses, and behind this, the author needs to have a deep understanding of the market, experience accumulation and psychological quality. Therefore, maintaining self-reflection and self-improvement is the key to investment success. You should not rely on yourself to grow and learn. We also have people who lose money in the market, but we find that technical analysis does not always provide key practices for individuals. The important thing is how to combine personal experience and market conditions, use technical analysis reasonably, and formulate suitable.

Many friends also sent me private messages asking me: When will the fish bottom out if they keep hitting like this?

Market sentiment will also change rapidly. Currently, small investors are frantically selling, trying to form a group, asking around, and large investors are becoming top traders! Although the market is falling, the purchase volume of stablecoins such as USDT continues to increase. From this point of view, everyone is waiting for an opportunity to buy at the bottom, right?

However, in this round of bull market cycle, the big adjustment and washout, I think it is normal to be around $46,000. This kind of correction is very common in a bull market. In a bull market, a 30-40% range may occur. In our history, Bitcoin will experience several major corrections in each cycle. These adjustments (the price may fall by 30-40%) are considered "healthy" and are part of the natural market growth. In this round of bull market, various financial institutions are competing with each other, and it is possible that there will be two major adjustments. If the funds are small, don't be careless. If the funds are millions, you can use the 1, 2, 3, 4 position management methods to build a position!

The market will continue to face multiple challenges this week, such as after the non-agricultural super week. The following are the key events:

1. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's congressional testimony: - On Tuesday and Wednesday, Powell will go to Capitol Hill to deliver his semi-annual monetary policy testimony. The market is paying close attention to his remarks as they may affect market expectations. Powell is unlikely to maintain his dividend base and increase the risk of a pullback.

2. US June CPI data release: - The June CPI data to be released on Thursday is a key indicator to determine whether the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in September. The market generally believes that the CPI annual rate will fall by 3.1% from 3.3% in the previous month, and the monthly rate is expected to rise slightly by 0.1%. The core CPI annual rate and monthly rate are expected to remain at 3.4% and 0.2% respectively. As the price sub-indices in the ISM manufacturing PMI survey have all declined, analysts believe that the risk appetite for CPI data next week may be low. If inflation falls further, the market's expectations for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates twice this year will strengthen.

BTC\ETH support and resistance

Big cake support: 56023 Pressure: 59029

Auntie support: 2928 Pressure: 3100

The current market is volatile. Whether you are keen on Heyue or spot trading, you can follow me. After the sharp drop in the market, I am also optimistic about several potential coins and am ready to lay out my plans.

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