Don't give up. I almost made a million with 10,000 in just three months, and then it was all gone in one day. Why can't you touch the contract?

This is my real experience. When I first entered Erquan, I was still a student. I started playing with 2000u. Why 2000u? Because Ouyi usdt Yubibao has an annualized interest rate of 10%, but each account can only invest 2000u at most. Now it should be called simply earning coins. I wanted to make some money at that time, so my friend recommended that I change the money into u and deposit it in Ouyi Yubibao.

My friend is a second-generation rich man. He started to trade cryptocurrencies very early. He always brags to us about how much he earned yesterday and today. He also shows us his profit chart, which is often several times the profit.

I actually knew what virtual currency was a long time ago, so I decided to give it a try. At that time, I thought that the interest rate was three or four times higher than Yu'e Bao. It just so happened that I had just scraped together 2,000 U from my living expenses by living frugally, leaving 1,000 yuan in meal tickets. I registered an Ouyi account, converted all the money in Alipay into U and deposited it in Yu'e Bao.

At that time, the cryptocurrency market was considered to be strong. I saw that almost all the coins on the software were falling every day. My friend was shouting all day long that he had nothing, so he made a lot of money. Although the interest rate of Yubibao was already very high, because the principal was more than 10,000, my daily income was just the money for a bottle of drink. Seeing my friend making a lot of money by shorting, I asked him to teach me how to play contracts. In fact, contracts are very simple, just as simple as gambling on the size of the bet. I was also a gambler at the time. After I learned it, I used full leverage for the first time. The first order I opened was to short a garbage altcoin. After opening the order at night, I went to bed without paying attention to it. When I woke up, I saw that my account was profitable and I closed it immediately. This order brought me more than 200u of income, which is more than the interest of Yubibao in a year.

At that time, I thought that this money was as easy to make as if it fell from the sky, so I directly transferred all the money in Yubibao to the contract account and started my contract trading career. At that time, I studied K-line, technical indicators, read all kinds of news, joined various contract groups, and listened to the serious nonsense of those who led the orders. Except for sleeping, attending classes, and eating, I was watching the market all the time.

My position management is 25% position with 10 times leverage. In addition to the normal K-line opening method, I also have a special position opening method. I follow my friend's account on Ouyi, and I can receive information when he opens a position. My friend is actually a half-baked trader. When he makes money, he brags to me, and when he loses money, he keeps silent. He just wins and loses. Overall, he didn't make any money, but lost a lot.

If you follow his buying, you will basically lose more than you win, but I won’t buy against him. Instead, I like to enter the market when he is cutting his losses. It is said that this strategy has a really good winning rate. It can be said that I started playing with reverse indicators very early.

I am not suitable for trading like a normal person. I like to carry orders and add positions when there is a floating loss. I seldom stop loss. But maybe it is the protection period for novices. My luck is really good. I can carry back every order, and the winning rate is maintained above 90% (I was particularly concerned about the winning rate at that time). I also thought about making money by carrying orders. In less than two months, my 2000u tripled to 6000u. I went from a novice to a level that even my friend, who is not a novice, has to learn a few tricks from me. But my friend is the kind of person who doesn’t learn good things but learns bad things. He doesn’t learn technical indicators and still opens orders based on his feelings. But he learned to place orders clearly from me! Soon, yours?

I actually know what the final outcome of the contract will be. My earliest goal was to stop playing with contracts and only buy spot when I made 10,000 U. After I successfully made 10,000 U, my second goal was to stop playing with contracts and only buy spot when I made 30,000 U. The third goal was to buy spot when I made 100,000 U. Finally, the fourth goal was to get my money back.

One night, my friend suddenly sent me a message saying that all the U in his account had exploded, and he didn't even have time to add margin before he was liquidated. I had to comfort him with a few words. I took a look at the altcoin he opened an order for, and immediately opened a short order of 20 times above his liquidation price. After a while, the coin fell sharply. I continued to short like this. After a week, my assets almost doubled 10 times to 60,000 U. I felt that there was a risk in shorting, so I closed the position, and withdrew the 2,000 U principal that I had invested in the cryptocurrency circle at the beginning, and ate and drank for a few days, and also bought an Apple phone.

Originally, the principal had been withdrawn, so at least I didn't lose money, just a few months of work were in vain. But at that time, I was like a gambler and was so angry about losing that I immediately sold my new mobile phone and the laptop I bought before on Xianyu and raised some money. I listened to a group friend's advice and tried to buy a ten-dog game. The result was naturally zero. I was in a state of depression for a while at that time. It happened that I had the final exams in college, and my mind was blank when I received the test paper. When it was time to hand in the paper early, I guessed at the multiple-choice questions and handed it in directly. I even forgot to fill in the admission ticket number. Basically, I failed all the exams that I should have filled in. My life lost direction all of a sudden. Fortunately, I never like to borrow money from others, and I never touch online goods. This is also an important reason why I can get back on my feet.

After surviving a disaster, there will be good fortune in the future. After getting through the low period, I started looking for other opportunities. By chance, I met a group of friends who specialized in making USDT and running errands in an airdrop group. This made me realize the industry of acceptance merchants. By learning little by little, I gained a lot. So I prepared several thousand U, made USDT and ran errands every day, got some spot goods, and saved some money. Last year, I made 200,000 USDT alone.

I haven't touched the contract yet, and I feel like everything is moving in a good direction.

I share this experience to say that failure is not scary, and there are many opportunities in the circle, not just contracts. If one doesn't work, change tracks and never give up. Airdrops, NFTs, coin hoarding, defi, quantitative, various arbitrage, brick-moving, running errands for acceptors, etc. In comparison, local dogs and contracts are really the worst option.

I hope more friends who have experienced the same thing as me can turn things around. Everything is the best arrangement.

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