Today is also a very regrettable day. Yesterday's air situation can be said to be quite regrettable. Yesterday, the entire white plate was running in the range of 57000-58000. We also made short-term moves in the morning and afternoon. Since the overall trend of the price ratio in the afternoon was in a slightly upward state, we also entered the market when the price ratio fell back to around 57300. In the evening, the big cake has not been as we wished, giving us a correction space of nearly 3000 points. I believe that this wave of deep adjustment also caught many people off guard, including us. This wave of air situation also made us lose nearly 900 points of space. The aunt lost more than 60 points. Wrong is wrong, and if you lose, you lose. It is impossible to be smooth sailing in this market. There is a clear sky above the dark clouds, and the sun always comes after the wind and rain. Only by bravely accepting the baptism of the storm can we move forward more firmly. There is no invincible general in this circle. In the follow-up, we must maintain a good mentality and execution to get back what we have lost.

From the overall structure of the current market, after experiencing another deep drop of more than 1,000 points, it is still in the downward channel, and this round of decline has just begun, so the space is self-evident. The bulls have also recovered a lot of lost ground in the early stage. It can be found that the upward movement in the early stage was blocked by the strong pressure position above, and it was under pressure and fell back. At present, there is no effective rebound in the continuous negative state. It can be seen that the current market has been completely occupied by the bears. This deep adjustment is expected to break through the recent low and find a new bottom. At present, the pin point is also moving down continuously, and the price ratio has also fallen below the lower track. It is currently in the bottom accumulation stage, and the volume of the short energy column has not decayed. For the subsequent distribution of oranges, just continue to wait patiently for the navigation situation to break down. #BTC☀️ #BTC☀ #BTC走势分析

Big cake short around 55500-55800, target at 53000

Auntie short around 2890-3010, target at 2800