China has taken many measures to revitalize the market, but the stock market rebound has been weak😳

China announced a series of measures to support the market this past weekend, including halving the stamp duty on securities transactions and restricting the reduction of holdings by major shareholders, in an attempt to revive stock market performance. However, due to the lack of stronger measures for the economy and the large amount of foreign investment After the sell-off, the rebound of the CSI 300 Index fell from 5.5% at the opening to only 1.2%. Capital outflows from the stock market continued, and the GEM recorded the largest intraday decline in more than two years (-5.6%); since 2004, the CSI 300 Index The index has only experienced such a large retracement three times, two of which were during the global financial crisis and one during the bursting of the A-share bubble. In these past scenarios, the market finally succeeded in trading on a 5-day and 30-day basis. A small rebound was achieved and hopefully we will see similar positive trends again in the coming weeks.

#中国 #股市 #证券交易印花税 #沪深300指数 #创业板