No matter how the dog dealer has performed the trick of rising the market in recent days, people who have not boarded the car should not be too anxious. Even if the market hits the bottom, the market will have a retracement. People who are heavily invested in high-multiple contracts on the car should not be too careless, because the dog dealer likes to fish in troubled waters. The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish!

Today, the size of the currency circle is no longer what it used to be. The jungle law of big fish eating small fish, fish eating shrimp, and shrimp eating sand has been playing out. There is no so-called savior in this world. The only person who can save you is yourself. Save yourself before saving others!

If you want to make money in the currency circle in the end, the only way is to keep learning, improve your cognitive level, stay away from high-multiple contracts, and cherish the bullets in the bull market! Otherwise, when the crazy bull really comes, you can only cry at the empty bull coins!

If you are still underwater and can't see the market trend clearly, if you are bullish, it will fall, if you are bearish, it will rise, follow me and I will share the profit code for free every day

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