Persistent learning and continuous improvement of one's cognition are the keys to successful investment. The following are five investment experience sharings, hoping to inspire friends who see them:

1⃣️Don't rush to stop loss in the early morning: The early morning market crash is often an overreaction to the negative news of the previous night. Investors should remain calm and wait for the market to repair itself and possible reversals. Similarly, the big rise at the end of the trading session may be a test or inducement of the main force. Don't blindly chase the rise to prevent a low opening the next day.

2⃣️Trading volume analysis: Trading volume is an important technical indicator for judging market trends. Continuous shrinking volume increases may indicate that the main force has strong control over the market, while shrinking volume declines may mean that market panic has not been fully released and prices may fall further.

3⃣️Sector top structure identification: Sector market trends often go through five waves of development, including follow-up, wash adjustment, main rising wave, complex divergence and shipment wave. Among them, the third wave has the largest increase. However, the market is volatile, and not all markets will fully experience five waves. Investors should respond flexibly, pay attention to the performance of sector leading stocks, and judge the market top.

4⃣️Observation of the top acceleration period of the big pie: During the top acceleration period of major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, observe the sharp rise of altcoins in specific sectors, which may be a signal that the market is about to reverse. Check whether the leading stocks have stopped falling and risen to judge the market trend.

5⃣️Focus and single-mindedness: For new investors in the market, it is more effective to focus on one trading strategy and master its skills than to learn multiple methods at the same time. Focus can help investors get into the state faster and avoid being eliminated by the market because of greed. Only when a skill is mastered and stable profits are achieved, can more skills be gradually learned to achieve a thorough understanding.

Remember, investment is a long-term race, and continuous learning and adaptation to market changes are the key to long-term success.