Every time the market crashes, you can make a profit by catching the rebound, which is a perfect combination of technical ability and macro-level.

1. Have global insight. Before the big crash, the entire Binance currency was a strong currency, with market makers making the market, and the fundamentals were great. In other words, before the big crash, the currency that the dealer had just started and he had not made money yet was the first choice.

2. Most of the currencies are different each time. Except for currencies like #btc , the data of the five big crashes were analyzed and the copycats were basically the same. So you can't stick to the rules. Every time the market rebounds, except for the big currencies, you will only hit one currency, and you will probably not get too much.

3. Gradually build positions and make up for the losses. Every time BTC falls, it is impossible to predict where it will fall. Gradually build positions and enter again after a 1-hour rebound. Keep enough positions to make up for the losses, at least 3 times.

4. When the stock rebounds to the falling position, it can basically earn 10-30%

This time, I successfully caught $SOL $ZRO $FTT