After a few days of plunge,

some relatively strong copycats,

have a decent rebound,

something you don't like,

someone will always rush to buy it,

this market is anti-human,

when most people are not optimistic,

the dog dealer will rise to show you,

the chips you don't want will naturally be picked up by someone else!

And the chips you cut off because of panic,

will be bought back in the surge!

Because you are afraid of missing out on the future bull market,

maybe you think the bull market is over,

that's just what you think,

doesn't represent other people's views!

I am a long-term soldier, always bullish,

from the second half of last year, I have been bullish until now,

and I am optimistic about the entire interest rate cut and water release market in 2025!

Unlike some people who are in both directions,

when it falls, they shout that the bull market is over,

when it rises, they shout that the bull market will return quickly!

Grasp the general direction, ignore the rise and fall in the middle!

Take a long-term view and open up the pattern!

The above content is for information sharing only,

does not constitute any investment advice!

Investment is risky, be cautious when entering the market!

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