Recently, many friends are close to mental breakdown.

The more serious this situation is, to a certain extent, it can also indicate that the market is almost falling.

At this time, friends who have no positions or light positions should start to layout their positions.

Many people are waiting for Bitcoin starting with 4, which is not impossible.

It’s just that the probability is very small. Investment is originally a probability game. When we make choices, we can only bet on operations with high probability.

After all, Brazil and Germany 0:7, this kind of low-probability event is extremely rare throughout human history. But the probability of existence is still there, and it happened.

If you like to bet on this kind of low probability, then don’t come to the currency circle. The dealers in the currency circle play with human nature. No matter how you play, you can’t get over it. You can only lose money. There is no second choice.

It is recommended that you buy lottery tickets. Although buying lottery tickets may also be manipulated behind the scenes, it will not play with human nature. It depends on pure luck.

If your latest mentality explodes and you feel that you can’t hold on, welcome to consult Lao Li.

Finally, if you are a complete novice and you are excited to enter the cryptocurrency world after seeing BTC hit a record high, then I suggest you follow me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency world from me, and improve your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

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