Wang Bu Ai Market Sharing-240706

Industry News:

1. Biden insists that he is healthy and confident of defeating Trump

2. Grayscale Survey: If Ethereum spot ETF is approved, nearly 1/4 of potential American voters will be more interested in investing

3. The second quarter airdrop claim query tool has been postponed to July 6, and small stakers will be rewarded with up to 150 ETHFI

4. Parcl announced the details of the second PRCL community allocation: PPP S1 allocation accounts for 6% of the total supply, and the claim page will be open on July 15

5. Zircuit: The mainnet is about to be launched, and the first quarter points snapshot will be conducted on July 7

6. Layer3 announced token economics: 7.5% of the total tokens will be airdropped

7. A dormant wallet for 10.6 years transferred 1004 BTC to a new wallet 50 minutes ago

8. GSR Lianchuang: BTC still has enough time to set a new high before the end of the year

9. WSJ reporter: The first real debate on interest rate cuts may occur at the July Fed meeting

10. Catizen: Fish coin consumption will be an important indicator of airdrops