In the last bear market, there was also an obvious signal, which was the Fed's interest rate hike.

Lao Li has repeatedly emphasized that if the Fed announces an interest rate hike, don't hesitate, just sell it, no matter you lose or make a profit.

As a result, when the interest rate hike came, the market did not react much, and even occasionally rebounded. Many people questioned Lao Li's nonsense, and then basically there was no more. These leeks that were not thrown away were directly hung on the top of the mountain again.

Ironically, most of the leeks were hung on the top of the mountain twice in a row, which was very strange. They just didn't remember. So is this market bull or bear now? Is it the bottom or the mountainside?

This is the answer everyone wants to know.

Lao Li believes that future things are extremely risky in the currency circle. Risk means profit, it depends on how everyone balances it.

I think the current market is a bull market, and the reasons for the judgment have been told to you countless times in the article, so I won't repeat them.

As for whether it is the bottom? Here is an obvious signal for you to refer to. This signal is the computing power of Bitcoin.

The current computing power of Bitcoin has dropped to the lowest level since December 2022, that is, the lowest level since the collapse of FTX. Where was the turning point of the lowest point in the last bear market? It was the collapse of FTX, and that plunge hit the bottom of the bear market.

What does it mean that the computing power is now equivalent to that time?

Is it a signal that the market has bottomed out? Everyone can decide for themselves.

Finally, if you are a pure novice and you want to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further.

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