ZRO coin has been shining recently, and its price has climbed to a peak of 4.258, showing a strong upward momentum, and it seems to be moving towards a new high. However, as analyzed before, the sudden volatility of the Bitcoin market is like a sudden storm, ruthlessly interrupting ZRO's upward trajectory.

This situation is indeed surprising. After all, the strong momentum shown by ZRO before is enough to make people believe that it can survive on its own, but it still cannot completely resist the linkage influence of the broader market. However, this also once again confirms the close connection of "prosperity and loss together" in the cryptocurrency market.

Fortunately, the market seems to be gradually recovering, and the price of ZRO has rebounded in the past two days, and is now close to the previous high. This makes people wonder whether the dealer behind it is still ready to lead ZRO to hit a new high again. At this critical moment, we should maintain a cautious and optimistic attitude and wait and see.

The future trend will largely depend on the movement of Bitcoin. If Bitcoin continues to decline, then shorting ZRO may be a relatively safe choice for risk aversion. On the contrary, if Bitcoin can stabilize and rebound, and ZRO shows clear signs of breakthrough, then the possibility of its continued rise and new heights will be greatly increased. By then, we may be able to witness a new round of brilliant performance of ZRO.

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