CoinDesk Indices provides a daily market update highlighting the performance of the leaders and laggards in the CoinDesk 20 Index.

CoinDesk 20 is currently trading at 1852.82, down 5.7% (-111.28) since yesterday's close.

All 20 assets in the index are in decline.

Leaders: LEFT (-3.3%) and DOT (-3.4%).

Lagging behind: LTC (-12.0%) and ATOM (-10.5%).

CoinDesk 20 is a broad-based index traded globally on multiple platforms.

😂😂😂 Hey, crypto world! We seem a little shaky today, don't we? But don't worry, this is just a fix. 🚀🚀🚀

I'm waiting for your comments! Which cryptocurrency do you think has fallen the most and which will recover the fastest?

Remember, every decline is an opportunity! 💪💪💪

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