The unemployment rate in the United States reached 4.1% in June, the highest since November 2021.

Some people predicted that the unemployment rate would reach 4.1%, but the non-farm data caused controversy.

The US job market faces challenges, although official data may not admit it.

Non-farm data has been accused of tampering, and the data in April and May are allegedly forged.

The data tonight may tend to be bullish overall, but the data released has advantages and disadvantages, which may lead to sharp market fluctuations.

In terms of market operations,

For aggressive investors, as long as it does not fall below 534 points tonight, you can gradually increase your long positions, and the target can be set at 550, 545 or 540 points, adopt a small-band trading strategy, and enter and exit quickly.

If you pursue stability, it is recommended to wait and see.

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