Yesterday, the Bitcoin (BTC) market was sideways. Although the speech by President Donald Trump in the evening did not cause any waves, it hinted at a relaxation of expectations for a rate hike in September, boosting market confidence. The macro environment has improved, negative factors have been digested, and market sentiment has turned optimistic, especially before the CPI data to be released on Thursday, which is expected to be positive.

It is recommended to build positions in BTC and Ethereum (ETH) at present, and the increase is expected to be about 5% after the data is released tomorrow night. The market is currently at the end of the adjustment. Although the price of mining machines has fallen and it seems pessimistic for the time being, the bull market outlook remains.

ETH has recovered with BTC, and ETFs have been strengthened through expectations. It is recommended to layout ETH today and tomorrow, with the target set at the 3300-3350 range. The Shangao sector is being sorted out simultaneously. Before the release of CPI data, you can consider entering the strong Shanzhai coins, especially the rise of ETH-related SATS. The timing of the pullback can be regarded as a good opportunity to build a position. It is expected that there will be good news in September.

The key points of fundamentals and market information are as follows:

The CPI data will be released at 8:30 tomorrow, and its impact needs to be paid attention to. RGB+1 free casting is launched, the chain is active, and new opportunities in the BTC ecosystem are worth paying attention to. The specific market is currently sluggish, and it is recommended to choose high-quality currencies and wait for the second wash before intervening.

The intraday support and resistance levels are as follows:

BTC: support in the 56500-56800 range, resistance in the 58500-58900 range.

ETH: support in the 2950-3000 range, resistance in the 3180-3230 range.

The above is the analysis and operation suggestions on the BTC and ETH markets.

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