🚨Attention! Hackers are actively exploiting vulnerabilities in older versions of Rejetto's HTTP File Server to install Monero mining malware and other malicious programs. An exploitable critical vulnerability in HFS versions up to and including 2.3m allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands remotely without authentication.

🔎According to cybersecurity data from AhnLab, attackers are using a variety of malicious payloads, including tools such as XMRig, Monero mining software (XMR), and remote access Trojans such as XenoRAT and Gh0stRAT.

In response to the threat, Rejetto was warned about the bug and advised not to use versions 2.3m to 2.4, describing them as "dangerous and should not be used further."

🤔 What security measures do you think should be taken to protect against such attacks? Share your thoughts in the comments!