There are many traps in the cryptocurrency circle. Have you fallen into them? How many of these common traps have you fallen into?

1: Don't rush to buy the bottom when you encounter a sharp drop. Wait a while and see the wind direction. Don't be impulsive, be steady.

2: Don't be complacent after making money, stop when you have enough. Greedy snake swallows elephant, be careful to lose money.

3: Don't be discouraged when you lose money, readjust your strategy. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, don't give up easily.

4: Don't always think about making big money by entering and exiting quickly. Sometimes long-term holding is more stable. Don't trade frequently, choose a good coin and hold it patiently.

5: Don't blindly follow which coin has risen well in the past. The market changes a lot. Don't blindly chase the rise, and analyze rationally.

6: Don't let emotions control your trading, be calm. Emotional trading is prone to problems, and rational analysis is the key.

7: Don't always think about getting rich all of a sudden. Cryptocurrency trading requires patience and strategy. Don't daydream, it's more practical to be down-to-earth.

8: Don't always think that one transaction determines the win or loss, it is important to allocate funds reasonably. Don't bet all your money in one place, diversified investment is safer.

9: Don't rush to add positions if you lose money, find the reason first. Don't blindly cover your positions, solve the problem first.

10: Don't think you have found the "secret to win" because of one success, there are always surprises in the market. Don't be superstitious about a certain method, and respond flexibly.

For the matter of currency speculation, you have to think rationally and respond flexibly. Summarize the experience of those who have stepped on the pit, and pay more attention to those who have not stepped on it. I wish you all make money steadily in the currency circle!

If you can't find the direction in the currency circle, and don't know what currency to buy, look at my pinned top to find me, and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle for free.

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