BTC successfully fell below the 60,000 mark‼ ️60,000 mark support turned into pressure‼ ️The chief's prediction was confirmed again🤩‼ ️🤩‼ ️

Wall Street's huge sell orders hit the market warning⚠️On-chain whales, asset tycoons all chose to sell at a loss, is this a signal that is unknown to the public⁉️

Okay, as early as May 31, I publicly told you that if Bitcoin can successfully fall below 65,800 from around 70,000, it means the beginning of a bear market. 📉

It will start a round of extremely large downward trend, so after Bitcoin fell below the key support level of 65,800, we kept posting articles to remind everyone to enter the market with short orders, and kept asking questions to remind everyone to enter the market with short orders. We posted articles for three consecutive days on the day of the day, and we posted again before this round of plunges. All three articles gave specific points and specific trends. The first wave reminded everyone that short orders entered the market at 3482. It successfully fell below 3220. 200 points of floating profit have been taken. The previous day on Sunday morning, the highest point of Ethereum was 3524. Our previous article has predicted that the pressure level is between 3516 and 3552. So 300 is right in the center of our pressure level. All our fans and members entered the market with short orders. Four in and four out, eating all the falling waves. The overall profit of Ethereum is as high as more than 1,200 points.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布