In the world of cryptocurrency, market fluctuations are always accompanied by various speculations and analysis.

Today, Bitcoin experienced a drop of nearly 4.64%, which attracted widespread attention and discussion.

Many investors and analysts have begun to dig deep to understand the reasons for this wild swing and its potential impact on the market's future.

In this major adjustment in Bitcoin prices, two key factors have been frequently mentioned: potential intervention by the German government and market manipulation by large holders (commonly known as "whales").

The German government has always had a strict attitude towards cryptocurrencies, and there have been recent reports that it may consider implementing stricter regulations.

This kind of news can often quickly affect market sentiment and cause price fluctuations.

In addition, the activities of some investors who hold a large amount of Bitcoin in the market may also trigger large-scale buying or selling, thereby affecting the price.

For ordinary investors in the cryptocurrency market, this high volatility brings high risks.

Therefore, many people choose low leverage strategies to avoid huge losses caused by sudden and large market fluctuations.

Low leverage means that investors borrow less money to invest, so even if the market situation is unfavorable, their losses will be relatively limited.

From a historical perspective, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have experienced similar dramatic fluctuations many times.

For example, the “cryptocurrency crash” in 2019, the market crashes on March 12, 2020, and May 19, 2020 all caught investors off guard.

During these events, the total market value shrank significantly and many investors suffered heavy losses.

Despite such volatility, there are still brave investors who choose to "buy the dip", believing that this is an opportunity to buy low-priced assets.

Justin Sun is one of them. When Bitcoin plummeted, he announced that he had purchased a large amount of Bitcoin and Ethereum at a low price.

The plunge in Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency market has reminded investors of the risks and uncertainties of this emerging market.

In this environment, conservative investment strategies and a high level of awareness of risks are particularly important.

At the same time, this also reflects that in a complex market environment, understanding the underlying market dynamics and potential influencing factors is crucial to making wise investment decisions.

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