After accumulating considerable profits in the field of digital currency, will the bank increase its scrutiny of the source of funds when withdrawing funds?

Indeed, when the amount involved reaches a certain scale, the bank is likely to make detailed inquiries about the source of funds. In my personal experience, I have been questioned by the bank many times for withdrawing large amounts of digital assets, and this experience is not an isolated case.

Recalling the days when I first traded Bitcoin in BitChina (now defunct), the price of Bitcoin was only 2,500 yuan, and I happened to have enough money on hand because of my e-commerce business, so I invested some money. Later, the price of Bitcoin soared to more than 7,000 yuan, and I chose to withdraw the money. At that time, the supervision was not strict, but even so, the bank still conducted detailed inquiries, covering everything from daily life to fund details, and even promoted financial products in the end, which made people laugh and cry.

As time goes by, the regulatory environment has become increasingly strict, and banks have become more cautious in their scrutiny of large withdrawals. I understand that in recent years, bank cards have been frozen due to involvement in digital currencies, so I have also strengthened my self-prevention. Fortunately, despite the experience of having my card frozen, I was able to solve the problem quickly by going to the bank counter to handle it.

Based on experience, avoiding direct dealings with currencies that may involve high-risk transactions, such as USDT, is an effective way to reduce trouble. In addition, converting funds into US dollars and remitting them to foreign currency accounts through formal channels is a relatively safe method that can enjoy the additional benefits brought by the appreciation of the US dollar. I have personally successfully made large-scale US dollar remittances many times without any problems, and I can easily make overseas consumption.

In addition, there is a small trick in the industry to share with you: using foreign trade company accounts can circumvent certain restrictions of foreign exchange controls to a certain extent. Therefore, if conditions permit, acquiring a mature foreign trade company as a platform for operating digital currencies can not only simplify the transaction process, but also realize the flexible allocation of cross-border funds, the so-called "cross-border brick moving". However, this also requires investors to have a certain legal awareness and risk management capabilities.

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