Instant delivery, three major news in the cryptocurrency market, hit the key points!!!🔥🔥🔥

1. The future outlook of Web3.0 is authoritatively recognized: At the release conference of the "2024 Shanghai Web3.0 Innovation Ecosystem Construction Research Report", the consensus of government agencies, academic elites and industry leaders was gathered - the rise of Web3.0 is of great significance to the future development of the information technology industry. This report was guided by the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and carefully compiled by the Liberation Daily and the School of Economics of Fudan University. It marks that Shanghai has taken a pioneering step in industry research in the field of Web3.0 and has become the first authoritative report in the country focusing on this field. 🤙

2. Follow-up of the Silvergate Bank Crisis: Settlement Reached: The cryptocurrency field is on the rise again. Silvergate Capital Corp-a company that is deeply engaged in cryptocurrency-friendly banking business, its parent company is in a deep crisis of trust in the industry due to the collapse of the bank last year. Recently, the company announced that it has reached a settlement agreement with US and California regulators and will pay up to $63 million in compensation to quell allegations of its internal mismanagement and insufficient information disclosure. This move may bring a glimmer of hope to restore its reputation in the industry. 🖖

3. Hong Kong's favorable policies for virtual asset investment: Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao brought exciting news. Hong Kong has shown an unprecedented open attitude in the field of virtual asset investment and announced that it will not impose capital gains tax on investment in virtual assets. This policy advantage not only demonstrates Hong Kong's determination and strength in promoting the development of the virtual asset market, but also constitutes a strong attraction for global investors. In contrast, although pioneers such as Japan and Australia are also actively deploying, the high capital gains tax (up to 50% in Japan and 40% in Australia) undoubtedly adds a burden to investors. Against this background, Hong Kong has undoubtedly become a fertile ground for virtual asset investment, and the future development prospects of digital currencies such as $BTC are even more worth looking forward to. 👽

#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低