Master the following ten essentials, and you can also reap your own little happiness in the currency circle!

1. Avoid high-price traps: Do not blindly enter the market when the currency price is high, maintain a detached mentality, and treat price fluctuations as floating clouds, and do not be moved.

2. Select high-quality currencies: There is no absolute good or bad currency, the key lies in the timing of buying. Seize the large-scale buying point, patiently hold the potential currency, and wait for it to grow into a star in the market.

3. Mentality determines success or failure: The first thing to do in currency trading is to build a mentality. Knowing that it is not a good opportunity and still impulsively placing an order is actually a loss of mentality. Only by adjusting the mentality can you apply what you have learned.

4. Market-oriented, ruthless operation: Be objective about any currency and point, and emotionality is a taboo. Follow market signals and be highly sensitive to buying and selling points.

5. Self-reflection and continuous improvement: When operating errors, do not attribute them to external factors, you need to deeply reflect on your own shortcomings and summarize lessons learned immediately.

6. Wisdom leads, and a steady mentality: A simple mentality without technical support is easy to become blind. Only by having wisdom and insight into the market can we maintain a steady mentality and cope with ever-changing situations.

7. Wolf-like strategy, regardless of funds: no matter how much funds you have, the key is to accurately grasp the buying and selling points. Only by being as sharp as a wolf can you become a leader in the market.

8. Calm operation, full of confidence: When operating, you must remain calm and believe that good opportunities will always come. With money, there are unlimited possibilities, don't be afraid of not having good coins to invest.

9. Abandon luck, the market is ruthless: the market never tolerates luck, and every luck will be repaid double. Only by completely changing yourself can you defeat the market. Quick success and instant benefits are the enemy of currency speculation. Only by controlling the inner demon can you gain a long-term foothold.

10. Transcend emotions and become a market leader: market emotions are easily manipulated by others, and investors often fall into a single mindset of going long or short. Only by getting rid of this state can you become a true market controller, not be swayed by emotions, and make independent decisions.

If you don't know how to plan next, don't know what coins to buy, and are confused, you can check my homepage profile, and I will share more relevant information and communication opportunities for free.

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