To all colleagues in the cryptocurrency circle, please stay calm in the face of a pullback. Whether you are short or long, the decision at this moment is crucial. At this critical moment, Lao Jiu has a few words to share with you:

1. Bitcoin hit the 63k mark yesterday and then slightly pulled back. Such a small adjustment is actually a normal fluctuation in the upward trend. There is no need to panic! It is like a small wave in the waves, which does not affect the overall direction of progress.

2. Whenever Bitcoin approaches the psychological mark of 60k, there are always voices predicting a big drop, and there are even extreme bears who assert that it will fall to 30k or even 15k. Lao Jiu is deeply worried about this. Although there is no lack of pessimism in the market, rationality and data tell us that excessive pessimism often ignores the resilience and potential of the market.

3. Lao Jiu is not deliberately at odds with the public opinion, but is well aware of the 80/20 rule of the investment market-only a few people can accurately grasp the pulse of the market. And Lao Jiu, who is one of these few, is willing to share this insight and judgment with everyone.

4. Looking at the external environment, U.S. stocks closed higher on Tuesday, with both the Nasdaq and S&P 500 hitting record highs, and market confidence remains strong. Although Fed Chairman Powell expressed optimism about inflation control, he remained silent on whether to cut interest rates in September, adding some uncertainty to the market. At the same time, the number of job vacancies in the United States in May far exceeded market expectations, reflecting the continued tension in the labor market. The market has focused on the upcoming June non-farm payroll report, expecting to get more clues about economic trends from it.

In the face of market ups and downs, it is crucial to remain calm and rational. Laojiu is willing to work with you to overcome difficulties and welcome a more brilliant future in the currency circle

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