How can you make money in the cryptocurrency world?

1. Trading: Similar to the stock market, buy low and sell high or hold for a long time (hoarding coins) in the hope of value growth.

2. Airdrops: Participate in project airdrops, sometimes it is very considerable to get that kind of big gross profit.

Pledge mining: Anan has similar activities from time to time, such as staking BNB or FDUSD to get new currency rewards.

3. Contract trading: It is the riskiest one, using leverage to buy up or short a single type to get income.

4. Deposit coins during the survival period: a low-risk and low-return method, similar to bank deposits. For example, in Anan, USDT's annualized rate is about 19%, which is much better than buying treasury bonds or fixed income funds.

These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. When choosing, you need to consider your own risk tolerance and investment goals.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, check the top, bull market spot planning, contract password, free sharing.

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