I believe the bull market is still here!

From the larger quarterly line of Bitcoin, the last quarterly line received support above the line, and the new quarterly line has just started, so I think the possibility of a sharp drop in Bitcoin is too small (although retail investors basically have no Bitcoin)

The panic index has reached a low point in the past year in recent times, and it has reached an extremely panicked state in the past few days. The continued panic has caused more people to cut their losses and leave the market. At present, most people think that the bull market is gone, especially the copycat bull market.

Bitcoin double tops are what I have heard the most recently, but double tops can also become double bottoms. At present, whether from macro-favorable or policy-favorable, there are indicators of various dimensions, which show that the bull market is far from over.

The recent unlocking information is bearish and the screen is flooded. I have always felt that unlocking is not the core of influencing the trend. The trend is always influenced by the market. If the market gets better, it will also pull the market. This is the case for many copycats in the first half. The market has been bad in the past few months, so it will fall if it is not unlocked. Unlocking does not necessarily mean that everyone will sell, but retail investors will get off the bus immediately, so we see that the coins unlocked on the same day will fall sharply. I think at least half of them are the chips thrown away by retail investors.

In this round, the number and amount of funds of retail investors holding Shanzhai far exceeds any other cycle. Shanzhai has been washed out for several months. Many people are now in a state of negative emotions. Everyone feels bad when the market falls.

I have always said that Ethereum will be the main force in the second half. Holding Ethereum is my biggest belief at present and will not waver.

Now I dare not analyze it and will maintain a neutral judgment, because if I insist on a point of view now, I will be DISSed by countless people. If you think the bull market is over, just give up, because the easiest way is to give up

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