
The alt season must exist! Otherwise, the currency circle will be over. Who will support the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystem?

If there is really no more alt season, what attraction will the currency circle have?

Who is still willing to play? Can Bitcoin and Ethereum be relied on to maintain the entire ecosystem?

What a joke! Are institutions entering the market just to play a wave and run away? Absolutely impossible!

I personally firmly believe that there will definitely be alt season! However, the scope is limited to inscriptions, MEME and high-quality old coins.

Don’t always think about replicating the trend of Bitcoin in the previous bull market. Now the altcoins fall, compared with the previous bull market, that is a normal callback.

Just like the bull market that started in October last year, it fell sharply in March and April, rebounded in May, and continued to fall in June. The bottom fluctuated for two months, and then started again!

The ever-changing situation in the currency circle cannot be seen through so easily. Let’s wait and see how this alt season is played!

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