Bitcoin is blocked from breaking through $63,000. Can the crazy influx of Bitcoin funds save the day?

In the turbulent cryptocurrency circle, the widespread and heavy selling pressure in June was like a mountain pressing down on the top, causing the price of Bitcoin to plummet all the way, directly falling below the $60,000 mark, and the lowest price even reached a terrifying $58,488!

However, after a twist, the double top pattern has been formed, which may become a key opportunity for the strong rise of Bitcoin prices, and it is expected to break through $70,000 in one fell swoop, and even aim at the peak of $84,500!

At present, Bitcoin's breakthrough at $63,000 is slow, and the accumulation trend is still continuing.

If it wants to confirm the short-term bullish trend, it must recapture the two key positions of the 20-day EMA of $63,060 and the 50-day EMA of $65,015!

Fortunately, ETF net inflows showed an astonishing surge on Friday, reaching $73.05 million in one fell swoop.

The massive inflow of funds has undoubtedly injected a shot of adrenaline into market sentiment, and also added a strong impetus to the prediction that the price of Bitcoin will rush to $70,000 or even $84,500!

Who will win this Bitcoin price war? Let's wait and see!

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